Patti DiMiceli
At your side through life's biggest
challenges with kindness,
wisdom, compassion, and grace.

Gray Rocks!
The pebbles that can save your life!
In the world of narcissism, "Gray Rock" is a coping strategy that reminds us to show no emotion or any other visible sign to the narcissist when they poke, antagonize, berate, or push your buttons. Their motivation is to obtain "supply..." to provoke a response...a reaction that shows them they have control and power over you. It could be financial, emotional, physical, or spiritual.
These Gray Rocks (polished Mexican Beach Pebbles) are special, just like you. Each word or phrase hand painted on the back is randomly chosen for you by The Divine. It is a solid, empowering tool you can use to build the foundation for your current and future life, as well as the lives of your Loved Ones.
Keep this rock near you—in your pocket, purse, the dashboard of your car, next to your computer—anywhere you need to feel supported, validated, seen, heard, and loved. You may be an Empath, a HSP (based on Elaine Aron's book, "The Highly Sensitive Person"), or someone who needs to be honored, accepted, and valued as a fellow Human, simply BEing.
In this packet, you will receive a unique Gray Rock, a flyer that describes "HSPs" and "Red Flags of a Narcissist," "My Story & the Birth of the Gray Rock," a card with the Gray Rock symbolism, metaphors, and resources, an insert that describes how my Angels and I decided on the $22 price (hint: Remember the Pet Rock?) & the "Power of Angel Numbers," a feather (my sign from The Other Side), and a pewter Guardian Angel Coin with a special word for you on the back.
100% of the profits from the sale of these Gray Rocks support our LightWork...our Angel work and the work of other LightWorkers who are passionate about assisting and elevating those who have been victimized and abused. Thank you SO much for caring and sharing!
To learn more and to purchase Gray Rocks for yourself and those you love, please visit our "sister website" and eCommerce store, We "create products with love that inspire & transform!" You can also download and print the free "HSP" & "Red Flags of a Narcissist" flyer below. Together, we CAN change the world—one flyer, one person, one lesson at a time, starting with us!