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Life Coaching / End-of-Life Doula / Grief Coaching

1 to 1 Coaching:

If you are going through a major life change, have a loved one or pet who is dying, or need a trusted, compassionate, caring person to be at your side as you navigate these changes, I am here to help. With over 40 years of experience working with people who need to be seen, heard, listened to, validated, and understood, I am honored to hold Sacred Space for you.  


I prefer to use a "Strengths Model" in my approach. Based on the VIA ("Values in Action Inventory") Institute's guidelines, we explore your character strengths and attributes, as well as the thoughts, actions, and beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams. You can take the free VIA survey to see your finest qualities:   We use this survey, along with a few other assessment tools, to give us a starting point...a road map to living your best life.


For most of my life, I've worked with people and facilitated groups who are grieving and ready to find the insight, understanding, and peace to allow them to carry on with life and living. Each person's grief journey is unique. There is no timeline, deadline, or "correct" way to grieve. Through my lifelong study of living, dying, and grieving, I've been privileged to learn from some of our most enlightened teachers through their writings and workshops as well as in person: Amber, Dr. Lawrence Burton, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Ann Armstrong-Daily, Beverly Chappell, David Kessler, and many others. 


Through David Kessler's year long "Certified Grief Educator" program and my fellow Grief Educators, I learned more—much more—than I ever imagined about living, dying, and grieving. Kessler wrote "Finding Meaning, the Sixth Stage of Grief," as well as two books with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. He is the founder of and a world renown expert on grief. In September of 2021, I was certified and have since become a Moderator for David's "Tender Hearts" online groups. You can see my listing on here.


My approach to Grief Coaching comes from a place of trust, honor, compassion, and hope. I hold Sacred Space for my clients and walk beside them, gently guiding, supporting, and encouraging them as they navigate through their grief journey.   



  • One 20 minute "Discovery Session:" No Charge

  • Initial Intake / Assessment / Consultation: 1-1.5 hrs, $90 - 135

  • Follow-Up Consultations: 1hr - $90

Prepaid Packages


  • 1 hour per week for 1 month, 4 -1 hr sessions: $332 ($83 hr)

  • 1 hour every other week for 2 months, 4 -1 hr sessions: $324 ($81 hr)

  • 1 hour per week for 3 months, 12 - 1 hr sessions: $912 ($76 hr)

  • 1 hour every other week for 3 months, 6 - 1 hr sessions: $480 ($80 hr) 

End-of-Life Doula Service—People & Pets

"What is an EOL Doula and what do they do?" I became a Trained EOL Doula through INELDA, the International End of Life Doula Association, one of the most respected organizations in the world. In their words:


"An end-of-life doula guides a person who is transitioning to death and their loved ones through the dying process. The doula might get involved soon after a terminal diagnosis, later on when the person declines more, at the point where the person’s body is beginning its final breakdown, or even after a death to help loved ones start their time of grieving. The doula will provide emotional, spiritual, and physical support to everyone involved. Above all, the doula listens deeply to the concerns, fears, hopes, and life stories of the dying person and their loved ones to bring them peace at the end of life. The doula holds the space for the kind of dying experience that honors who the ill person is and has been in their life, and helps them live with purpose up to the final breath."

Hiking Trail


  • One 20 minute "Discovery Session:" No Charge

  • Initial Intake / Assessment / Consultation: 1-1.5 hours, $70 - 105

  • Follow-Up Consultations / Vigils, per hour - $70

Everyone deserves a chance to be seen, heard, and understood. If needed, I will work with you

on a sliding scale. I also offer a 10% discount for our teachers, first responders, and military. 

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